Office365/Exchange connection failed login, username/password incorrect or Autodiscover service couldn't be located.

Office365/Exchange connection failed login, username/password incorrect or Autodiscover service couldn't be located.

If you are connecting to Office365, then first ensure that you are using the correct settings and are not using IMAP to connect.
  1. Latest build (new build but same version v3.2): Make sure you are on the latest build as it often contains fixes for connectivity issues like these:
  2. Change account settings to use Exchange: before following these instructions, we would recommend deleting the current account and then setting it up again using the following settings as it will eliminate any cached connection settings:
  3. Autodiscover could not be located troubleshooting: If that still doesn't work and you get the message failed login and the auto discover couldn't be connected, go here:
  4. IMPORTANT: Antivirus and Firewalls: Antivirus and firewalls often cause connectivity issues, you'll need to either disable them or add exclusions for the program to be able to connect.
After you have tried every step above, please submit a report attaching screenshots*** of every step above and the results of testing to

***NOTE: If you do not include evidence that you have tried every step above, we might respond back asking for evidence on troubleshooting and steps you have taken which may delay the support resolution further.